"Kingdom builders is about generosity"

Kingdom Builders is an initiative to make a global impact for the Kingdom of God through generosity. Individually we can accomplish some things, but collectively we can make a greater impact. Kingdom Builders is comprised of individuals and families that prayerfully commit to give, over and above their tithe, to global missions, local ministries/outreaches, and future Christian leaders.

Kingdom Builders 2025 Goal: $15,000

Local: We are committed to funding the growth of the church locally through supporting life-giving, Spirit-filled ministries that reach out to the hurting in our backyard. 

Global: Through Kingdom Builders, we support key missions projects and organizations across the globe.

Future Christian Leaders: Kingdom Builders believe in coming alongside future Christian leaders to foster a love for the Bible, God, and the lost. Our Kingdom Builders partnerships work with organizations that care for the physical and spiritual needs of our future leaders.

Give to Kingdom builders